We’re not here just to monitor your network, maintain your equipment, or help you recover from disaster… yes, those services are important and we do all those things, but so what? Every IT company does that. We want to go beyond day-to-day responsibilities, beyond what’s expected from a MSP so that we can be a true partner to our clients instead of just another IT service provider. That means we know how to move from the server room to the boardroom. Instead of bothering you with a bunch of technical jargon you don’t understand and don’t need to hear even if you did understand, we’ll get right down to business value. We provide the big picture thinking and expert advice you’d get from a CIO, at a predictable flat rate that’s much more affordable than the average $150,000/year salary you’d have to invest in an in-house CIO. {company} knows how to explain what technology does in terms a C-level exec with little to no experience in IT can understand. We want to help you see IT as an asset, not a liability. Okay, So There’s Some Liability To be fair, there’s some good reason to see your IT systems as a liability. It makes sense in particular to see your data as a liability. When you store other people’s private information on your equipment that makes you legally responsible for it, and it’ll cost you an average of $150 per compromised file to recover from data loss. $150 isn’t much, but thousands of files are compromised in the average attack, so really you’re looking at a six or seven figure hit to recover from just a single incident. {company} knows how to prevent unauthorized access and data loss. We’ll regularly assess your systems to find and fix any weaknesses before they’re exploited by cybercriminals. But Overall IT is a Competitive Advantage, Not a Necessary Evil We do more than just protect you from the financially devastating consequences of data loss. We’re also here to increase workforce efficiency, set up infrastructure that will allow you to accommodate future growth, and make it easier for you to meet and even exceed you revenue goals. Yes, smart investments in technology can do all that. Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years? What are your long-term goals? We want to sit down with your leadership to define your direction and break down your plans. We’ll then show you, step by step, how we can use technology to help you reach those long-term goals. Contact us at {phone} or {email} for more information about our network security, virtual CIO, and other IT services.
Proactive Business Technologies Services Company Hammett Tech Will Ensure Your Baltimore Business Can Leverage Technology To Produce Massive Business Outcomes. A lot of SMBs don’t exactly have a lot of wiggle room in their budget, so they often make the mistake of forgoing any kind of IT support until they absolutely need it because something is broken. The break/fix approach will save you a little money in the short-term, but it the long run it’ll actually end up costing you more than any other option. If you don’t upgrade hardware before it fails you’ll have to deal with downtime, which will bring productivity to a halt, reduce revenue, and severely limit the return you’re getting on your business’s biggest investment: your employees. If you don’t protect yourself from web-based threats, eventually you’ll be struck by a cyberattack, which could come with crippling financial consequences. Allow us to clarify: it takes an average of $150 per compromised file to recover from data loss, and thousands of files are compromised in the average attack, so you’re looking at the final recovery costs totaling six, maybe even seven figures. Proactive, not Reactive Support, At a Rate You Can Afford Okay, so break/fix isn’t a viable option. But what’s your alternative? The average low-level IT worker makes $50,000/year, the average CIO makes $150,000/year. Most SMBs can’t afford to just add salaries like that to their payroll. Luckily, you don’t need an in-house solution. We’ll provide you with the same level of proactive support that an in-house department offers (replacing outdated hardware before it fails, regularly assessing your network to find and fix weaknesses before they’re taken advantage of by cybercriminals) at a predictable flat rate that’s much more affordable than the wages and benefits required to add new members to your staff. Give us a call at {phone} or send a message over to {email} for more information about our IT services.
How Does This Legal Document Management Tool Benefit Legal Professionals? Microsoft’s Legal and Corporate Affairs Group created Matter Center, a legal document management tool, to work seamlessly with Office 365 – giving legal professionals a simpler way to find and organize files without leaving the productivity tools they depend on, including Outlook and Word. Essentially, the tool allows you to organize files by matter, find documents, and collaborate on important projects. How does Matter Center bring value to legal professionals? Simple: it gives easy, secure access to vital information, anywhere, anytime, from any device. The benefits are vast: A virtual briefcase: You’re essentially getting a virtual briefcase! Using OneDrive for Business, you receive 1 TB of storage that lets you store and access work documents online and offline from any device or location, whenever necessary. Search and find documents: You’re dealing with a massive amount of data, and if you want an easier way to find documents, you’ve found it! You can easily search and find matters/related documents within Word and Outlook. Manage documents for simplified compliance: You’re able to drag and drop to save emails and attachments into the correct matter. Plus, document attributes, permissions, and version control is automatically applied. Control access and permissions: You’re able to give internal and external team members/clients specific access or denied access to documents and matters, in order to minimize the risk of unauthorized access to confidential data. Save money on administrative resources: You’re able to reduce expenses associated with document management/administrative resources – letting you focus on spending time working with clients or efficiently collaborating with those important to you. Read more about Microsoft Office 365 for law firms. Discover the true power of Matter Center for Office 365 – and realize a whole new way to collaborate with clients and colleagues. Call {phone} or send us an email: {email}.
The question truly depends on what exactly you would like from your IT provider; striking a balance of quality, cost, and efficiency is a complex equation. What is that ideal balance worth to your company? {company} is the leading IT services company in {city} – and we know you need great IT services – but how much should you expect to pay? Quality Of course you want good quality IT services. Who doesn’t? Your company runs on computers and those computers need to keep running! You need an IT provider who will be there when you need them and do the work you need them to do. No one wants to have to put in multiple tickets or follow up time and time again to receive the help that they are paying good money to receive. That is unreasonable. However, sometimes those good quality fixes are time consuming. Which brings us to our next point. Efficiency Downtime is the killer of money and productivity. No company can stand to have their systems out for days or even hours at a time! The key here is to find an IT provider who takes the time to put in safeguards, monitor your system, and teach your employees to avoid issues. Therefore, they can focus on the small problems that do, inevitably, spring up from time to time. Sometimes, the fast fix is not the right fix and your IT company should not only know the difference; they should keep you informed about any and all progress on tickets that might take a little longer to properly address. Fast isn’t necessarily the key here; you want a company who responds to you, keeps you in the loop, fixes problems properly, and who takes the time to set your system up for success. And finally… Cost You just read those descriptions of great IT services and what they entail and now you are thinking to yourself “I bet that will cost me an arm and a leg!” Well, you’re not completely wrong. Just like in any other field; you get what you pay for. Don’t take the cheapest route on IT because there is no chance that you will receive support that you are completely happy with. Beware of companies that quote you at the lowest cost and then charge you for every ticket or phone call. That adds up fast! When you are budgeting for IT, also ask yourself if outsourced IT can compare in price to an in house IT department or even one IT guy. The answer will surprise you! For the most part; that IT guy will cost you far more in the long run! Find the best IT fit for your business and the price will match the benefits. Bottom line: you’re not going to find an IT consultant that’s fast, cheap, and good. You need to find the perfect balance of quality, efficiency, and cost – and it’s not going to be cheap. Your business is worth the cost, because ultimately, technology is a business enabler and you need to expect to pay a bit more to get the benefits. {company} provides quality IT services, stays in touch, sets you up for success, and doesn’t break the bank in doing so. Contact us today at {phone} or {email} to learn more.
If the average professional spends 30% of their time looking for lost documents, that’s 12 hours a week going paperless can give back to each employee. In the past, paper was required for businesses, but in today’s modern workplace, going paperless greatly revolutionizes productivity – letting your employees focus on what’s important: getting their work done. Ultimately, going paperless is no longer an option. How does going paperless revolutionize productivity? Here’s are the top 3 ways: Operate efficiently: Time is money, and if your staff members are wasting time sifting through paperwork, they’re losing valuable time that could be spent on otherwise productive tasks. An electronic document management system lets you operate more efficiently as documents are easier and quicker to find, view, manage, and share. Reduce errors: When you go paperless with a document management system, you greatly reduce errors, which means you’re not losing time trying to fix incorrect documents or address customer confusion that results from incorrect information. Speed up service: Paper records stored in filing cabinets quickly become a major drain on productivity and office space when a customer requests something, and someone has to spend upwards of half an hour trying to find the information they need. Going paperless through a document management system significantly speeds up service. Going paperless: saves you time AND money! Contrary to popular belief, electronic document management systems are actually LESS costly than paper records. How? According to Inc. Magazine, the labor costs associated with paper are quite hefty: Searching for a misfiled document ends up costing $120 per Recreating a lost document costs $250 per Are you ready to go paperless to revolutionize productivity? Do you need assistance finding the right solution? Contact {company} at {phone} or send us an email: {email}.
Low-level IT workers average $50,000 a year, and a CIO makes three times that with a $150,000 average salary. A lot SMBs find themselves in a difficult situation: it’s hard to add those sorts of figures to their payroll, but they still have IT needs that absolutely must be addressed. Low-level workers are necessary for all the services that prevent disaster and improve daily production like network security, equipment optimization, business continuity, cloud migration, etc. But, thankfully for your budget, you can outsource your IT needs to {company} instead. We’re able to provide all of those services (mostly remotely, though we can make on-site visits when necessary) at a flat rate that’s much more affordable than adding new members to your in-house team. Outsource Your Servers, Too Humans aren’t the only thing that can be outsourced. Just how much are your servers costing you? We’re not even talking about the thousands it took to initially buy and install your servers. Looking past those upfront costs you’ll see that all the electricity and maintenance required to keep your equipment running is what’s really costing you. Using a cloud server instead of your own server will allow you to cut those ongoing expenses out completely, because it’s the person who runs the server you’re accessing remotely that’s responsible for all those costs. All you have to pay for is a small access fee. And Why Not Outsource Your IT Consulting Needs As Well? It’s easy to get caught up with the day-to-day responsibilities of running a business and forget that if you want to grow in the future, you better start planning for it now. Remember how we mentioned earlier that the average CIO takes home $150,000 a year? Well, {company} can do everything an in-house CIO does, and we don’t ask for six figures. So, let’s talk. What do you think defines your business? What are your goals? We know how to translate the geek speak associated with the IT industry into plain English/business value that C-level execs can understand. {company} will be with you every step of the way, helping you use technology to achieve all your goals. Contact us at {phone} or {email} for more information about our IT services.
Everything You Need to Know About Windows 10 Cost, Features & More! July 29th is the official release date of Windows 10, and some of you might be wondering what exactly that will mean for your business. The main benefit that will come with Windows 10 is ease of use. This will increase your employee’s productivity and essentially save your company money. Especially if your copy of Windows 10 is free. Free? Everyone keeps saying that Windows 10 is going to be free, but that can’t be real, can it? The truth is, Windows 10 will be free, however, Microsoft is planning at this point to offer the upgrade to any Windows 7 or Windows 8, Pro or Core machines that connect to Windows Update. Software Assurance is the other half of the equation. Customers can upgrade Windows 7 and Windows 8 computers “for free” if still covered under SA. This means companies need to ensure: Licensing hasn’t expired by the time Windows 10 releases. Upgrading occurs within the first year of the release. If you have an older computer running Windows Vista or an older version of Windows, you won’t be able to receive the free upgrade, but if you’re running a computer that’s far too old, you might want to upgrade and buy a new one, anyway. When Microsoft says Windows 10 will be user friendly, they’re referring to the wide range of added features, such as: The start menu: The beloved start menu finally returns – offering a button on the bottom left of the screen wherein once clicked, two panels pop up side-by-side with the left showing pinned and most-used apps. Cortana on desktop: A voice controlled digital assistant makes it simple to interact with your device – letting you search specific files, open photos, or launch presentations by telling your PC what you need to do. Multiple desktops: A new multiple desktops feature allows you to run another set of windows without the physical monitor – meaning you can set up a whole other virtual desktop for programs. Universal apps: Universal apps, a category of software, lets you leverage apps, such as Photos, Music, Maps, and more, the same way on tablets, phones, and PCs for seamless transition across devices. And much more Windows 10 brings a host of multitasking, productivity, and collaboration features designed to improve the way your company operates, one device at a time. {company} can guide you through this transition. For more information about Windows 10, contact us at {email} or {phone}.
Lawyers aren’t usually associated with cutting edge technology. When most people think of lawyers they think of the low-tech images movies and TV have filled our heads with: thick legal volumes, pads and pens, suits that wouldn’t look out of place in the 50s, the judge’s robes that wouldn’t look out of place in Ancient Greece, the stenographer’s typewriter, and an old-fashioned courtroom where there isn’t a screen to be seen. But, as is often the case with stereotypes, the public perception doesn’t really match up to reality. Working with the law is an incredibly complicated task, and lawyers are often more in tune with the latest technology than other professionals simply because they need all the help they can get. {company} has a lot of experience working in the legal vertical. We know exactly what lawyers need to get out of their IT support. We Will Secure Your Network Maintaining attorney-client privilege is a high priority for all lawyers. The active online threat landscape puts that confidentially at risk: over 300 million new pieces of malware were created in 2014 alone. Thousands of law firms are attacked every year. It addition to losing the trust of your clients, you’ll also find that a cyberattack is incredibly costly. It’s going to run you an average of $150 per compromised file to recover from data loss resulting from a cyberattack, and thousands of files are usually compromised in a single attack. We know how to secure your network and keep out unauthorized access. We Will Support Your Apps Popular apps used by many law firms include: PCLaw Pro Law Juris Clio Timeslip Amicus Abacus Tabs3 / Practice Master It takes a lot of time to train an entire firm how to use the same apps. And if you’re having a problem with a particular app that no one in the office can seem to figure out, where will you turn to for support? {company} is here to help. Contact us at {phone} or {email} for more information about our services for law firms.
Everything You Need to Know about Gmail’s New Facelift, Inbox. Google’s recent launch of Inbox is considered to be the tech giant’s first major makeover of Gmail since its introduction in 2006. When Inbox was first released in fall of 2014, it was available to a select group of Gmail users via invite-only. As of two months ago, Inbox has been made available to the general Internet public. And, although Inbox appears to be an upgrade, Google won’t be phasing out Gmail anytime soon. Instead, users are being encouraged to try Inbox alongside Gmail in order to see which email application works best for them. In essence, Inbox regards emails as to-do tasks. And, while this may seem appealing to many people, not everyone has received Google’s new email invention with open arms. Nonetheless, email habits are a matter of personal preference. Therefore, Inbox may not be right for everyone. Whether you are a frequent or occasional user of Gmail or another email service, Inbox is worth trying, if only to see what all the fuss is about. If you want to learn more about Inbox before taking the plunge, I’ve included information regarding some of its key features below: Bundles neatly group together similar emails into one folder so that you can stay organized. Promotions, Purchases, and Trips are some of the bundles Google has already created for you, but you can also create your own. When you manually group emails together, Inbox even adapts to your organizational habits and automatically groups them for you. Highlights provide you with previews of email contents. This means that you can find important information, such as flight itineraries, hotel reservations, and order updates at a mere glance. Highlights also include photos so that you won’t always have to open an email to view attachments. Reminders prioritize your to-dos at the top of your inbox. Google even gives you a hand with completing these tasks by supplying you with the necessary information. For instance, if you write a reminder to call your IT service provider, Google will provide you with the phone number. Snooze lets you deal with messages and reminders at any date or time of your choosing. The emails that you snooze disappear from your inbox temporarily and reappear at the specified time. Without question, the added functionalities of Inbox can allow you to be more productive in email management. Deciding whether Inbox is right for you or your business requires you to fully embrace the new email service without pitting it against its predecessor, Gmail. After all, Inbox wasn’t intended to be a better or worse experience, just a different one. Interested in learning more about Google’s exciting new email service? Contact us at {phone} or send us an email: {email}. {company} is the top IT services company in {city} – working alongside your company to make IT promote your goals and objectives.
Back in 2013, Cottage Health System found out that the third party vendor handling the PHI at one of its hospitals was not actually secure, exposing the private information (names, addresses, DOBs, as well as details about their diagnoses and treatments) of thousands of patients. Cottage contacted the 32,755 patients whose records were exposed and let them know that their information had been compromised. What happened was that one of Cottage’s vendors, inSync, was storing PHI unencrypted on a system that was easy to access over the internet (that’s what you get when you trust a vendor named after a 90’s boy band). The affected patients were understandably upset. A class action lawsuit came about, and they were able to get a $4.13 million settlement out of Cottage. Good thing Cottage had insurance, right? Not so fast… In the proud tradition of insurance providers taking their client’s money month after month, year after year, and then resisting paying any settlement they might be able to weasel their way out of, the provider of the insurance Cottage had invested in is now claiming that they shouldn’t be on the hook for that settlement. That insurance provider, the Chicago-based Columbia Casualty Company, already reimbursed Cottage for that $4.13 million, plus additional legal fees. Now, they want that money back. To be fair, Cottage did sign a contract with the following clause: “precludes coverage for any loss based upon, directly or indirectly, arising out of, or in any way involving any failure of an Insured to continuously implement the procedures and risk controls identified in the Insured’s application.” To further make Columbia’s case, apparently Cottage confirmed with Columbia before agreeing to terms of their insurance contract that they had performed their due diligence and made sure that all their third party vendors were adequately secure. Let this be a lesson to you, hospitals: even insurance might not save you from the wrath of patients scorned. Vet your vendors thoroughly. Also, don’t neglect investing in your IT infrastructure (and maintaining that infrastructure), because an effective network security solution is all that’s standing in the way between your PHI and cybercriminals/the multimillion dollar fines and lawsuits that could result from a breach. Contact us at {phone} or {email} for more information about our network security services.