Information Technology News & Information

5 Critical Signs That You Need to Replace Your I.T. Consulting Company

Can you rely on the service you receive from your I.T. consulting company? Do they provide real solutions for the problems you face every day in your business, or do they just fix a computer when it’s broken and then wait for your next phone call? Your I.T. consulting company should be like an extension of your business. You need to be able to count on your I.T. company to help improve your entire business, not just tinker with computers. {company} is all about I.T. strategy – aligning your technology with your overall business needs. Is your current I.T. provider in {city} giving you real value for your money? Here are 5 critical signs that you need to replace your I.T. consulting company: Slow Response Times When you hire an I.T. company to provide your services, they should be ready to help you on YOUR schedule. Don’t put up with companies that take a day to get back to you when you call. {company} offers a wide-range of support options when it comes to response time for support – you get a member of OUR team calling you back to learn about the issue and immediately begin taking the right steps to get you back to work. Inaccurate Billing There should never be surprises on your bill, and every charge should be make it crystal clear what you’re paying for. If your bill confuses you, or if you never know how much you’re going to be paying each month, you’ve got a problem. {company} offers flat-rate monthly billing for all your services and support, so you always know exactly what you’ll be paying, and what you’re getting for your money. No surprises and no hidden fees – just good value. No Planning for Your Future Does your I.T. company plan ahead with preventative maintenance to keep your technology at its best? Do they help you find the right technologies to make your operations run smoother? Are they focusing on your BUSINESS needs? {company} offers I.T. strategy, not I.T. repair. We learn about your business, find out what you need your technology to do in order to prove its worth, and then develop the right I.T. solutions to help you be prepared to succeed and thrive every day. Stop-Gap Solutions When an I.T. problem occurs, does your I.T. company get to the root of the problem and solve it once and for all? Or do they just do the bare minimum to get you working again, only to have the problem repeat itself a few days later? {company} takes a proactive approach to I.T. support. We apply tried-and-true solutions to all your technology to eliminate problems before they start, and to find root causes of issues you face. With our team on the job, you’ll never see the same problem twice. They Never Call When do you hear from your I.T. company? Are they never around you call them with an I.T. issue? Or do they take the time to touch base with you regularly and find out what they can do for you? {company} is like a complete extension of your business – we’re here to serve as your personal I.T. department. That means regular meetings and constant communication to discover new technology solutions for real-world business problems. If your I.T. consulting company isn’t giving you the full attention and service that you need to really leverage the power of your technology, then they aren’t worth your time or money. Demand better service. Demand real solutions to the problems YOU face. Demand the best. Call {company} at {phone} or email us at {email} today.

Information Technology News & Information

Don’t Get Suckered In by Fake Emails Claiming to Be About Your Healthcare!

Be on the lookout for suspicious emails that claim to be from a federal agency – they could be a trap to steal your private information! A new campaign of email phishing attacks has been reported by US-CERT. The subject lines of these emails reference the Affordable Care Act, and they claim to be about directing users towards important information about their health coverage. Instead, those who open the links or attachments end up being directed to sites that either install malware on computers or try to convince the reader to give up private information. Don’t fall for these tricks! Here are some important tips to keep in mind to help you avoid falling for phishing attacks: A legit organization will NEVER ask for private information via email. Never divulge your personal information, including passwords, usernames, birthdate, social security number, or anything else. Always be wary of emails that include unfamiliar or complicated links to websites – if you don’t immediately recognize the URL, DON’T CLICK THE LINK. If the email is unsolicited, never download any attachment or follow any link at all. Even if the email address is familiar, use caution when downloading attachments, in case a colleague or friend has had their email hijacked. If the attachment is a .zip or a .exe file, it may be dangerous. The best way to protect yourself and your business against potential attacks like these is with a comprehensive security solution. Our anti-malware software will help prevent, detect, and resolve issues like viruses, and our backup solution will ensure that, even if your computers are infected by a virus, you can restore your data and easily get your computers back at their best. Don’t leave yourself vulnerable to cybercriminals looking to exploit you! Call us by phone or send us an email. Find out how to protect your business from those looking to do you harm.

Information Technology News & Information

Can your employee’s easily share information with one another?

File Sharing & Collaboration Are PROVEN Ways to Get Work Done More Effectively – Is Your Office Making the Most of Technology? With the constant evolution of technology, businesses are continuously finding practices that allow their employees to more efficiently share documents, data, and other vital information with one another. Whether it’s within a single shared office space or between partners across the globe, employee collaboration is essential to turning in the best work possible; and the implementation of new technology is making it easier than ever to keep your employees in constant contact without any hassle. {company} offers a variety of options to help your employees stay connected to one another and access information outside of the office. To learn more, call us at {phone} or send us an email at {email}. Cloud Services The emergence of cloud services has been one of the biggest modern developments in business technology. Rather than storing your companies data on a computer or through paper files, the cloud allows universal online storage that can be accessed by any employees you wish to share it with. This makes the exchange and collaboration on work projects much easier and allows workers to quickly share files and data with one another, as well as with their employer. File-Syncing Solutions Working from multiple locations is common practice in business today. With advancements in file-syncing solutions, companies can more easily share data and upload across multiple platforms and from several locations. Backup between operating systems, hassle-free transfer between network computers, and advanced encryption for security are some of the many benefits of working with an enterprise-grade file syncing solution. VoIP Phones The benefits of implementing VoIP (Voice over IP) phones in a business setting are seemingly endless. Beyond the huge potential for cost savings due to making incoming and outgoing calls over the Internet, VoIP phones also offer great media services, easy phone portability, zero geographical boundaries, and easy user control inference. Communication between employees has never been easier! When you enable your employees to collaborate in and out of the office, you’re able to make sure work is getting done. With a number of ways to help make communication easier, {company} can help your employees turn in their best work possible. For further information, contact us at {email} or speak to us directly at {phone}.

Information Technology News & Information

3 Tips to Ensure Your I.T. Company Can’t Trap You in Their Service

Is your I.T. company keeping secrets from you? When you hire someone to handle all your information technology for you, it’s to be expected that you’re going to let them handle the nitty-gritty details. That’s what they’re good at, and you’ve got better things to do than worry about handling updates or patches for all the applications you use every day. But you have to be careful not to get to the point where you have NO idea what your I.T. company is doing for you. There are a lot of I.T. people out there who think they can trap you in their service by not telling you where the bodies are buried in the backyard. They think that if you never know the status of your technology, or are afraid of what will happen if you don’t have them handling it, that you’ll never leave them and they can do whatever they like with your money. Here are 3 tips to ensure that you keep your I.T. company honest: Have regular status meetings: Your company should be maintaining regular communications with you, keeping you in the know on the health of your technology and the potential challenges that may arise down the road. Make sure they meet with you at least once per quarter, in person, to talk about the relationship between your business and your technology. Ensure you track support requests: If you’ve turned to your company’s Help Desk for I.T. support, they should be sending you email copies of your ticket, so you can stay on top of the work being done for you. Demand no geek-speak: Nothing is more frustrating than having a technician babble at you using complex terms you didn’t go to school for. Don’t let anyone do this to you! Demand plain English explanations of the work being done on your behalf. You can rest easy knowing you’ll always be kept in the loop with a Total Technology Experience from {company}. We demand transparency in all our client relationships with businesses in {city}, and you will never feel like you’re trapped in our service. Call us at {phone} or send an email to {email} today to tell us what YOU need from your business technology.

Information Technology News & Information

Your Files Might Be Getting Locked & Stolen RIGHT NOW – Here’s the Dangerous Virus at Fault!

Every file you have saved on your computer could be at risk from the attack of a new e-mail virus, expertly designed to seem like an average e-mail you may find in your inbox. In seconds, all of your files, photos, and downloads or even the entirety of your business’s information and saved data can be destroyed. VirRansom is a new version of the traditional malware, Ransomware, though it’s much more dangerous in how it can quietly spread through your files and be unwittingly shared with others. What is VirRansom? Ransomware is spread like customary malware, as most users get it by opening a seemingly urgent e-mail. Once opened, the ransomware releases an encrypted script that locks files, photos, documents and spreadsheets using a method that cannot be broken. A screen then appears demanding that money be sent to an overseas account in order to unlock the affected files. VirRansom is even more dangerous due to the fact that it may be in your computer without you even knowing it – spreading itself secretly though files and moving to other computers through file-sharing. The virus continues to replicate and spread until it’s activated. Before you know it’s there, the damage will be done. When VirRansom actives, it locks the affected files and displays the ransom image. This, of course, poses a great threat to both home users and especially businesses with sensitive information and files. How to Keep Your Computer and Business Protected: Most important and useful in protecting yourself and your network from this bug is to keep an eye out for phony e-mails. There are a number of red flags you can look for and stay away from. Common subject lines of infected e-mails you may receive include: Payroll Received by Intuit ADP RUN: Payroll Processed Alert DNB Complaint Annual Form – Authorization To Use Privately Owned Vehicle on State Business Payroll Manager Payroll Invoice ADP RUN Also keep an eye out for anything that may not pertain to you or doesn’t make much sense, such as seemingly urgent e-mails from the IRS or EZPass. Beware of Zip files especially if you don’t recognize their origin or are not expecting something. Misspelled subject lines or e-mail content is also a huge red flag. Take Precautions: Waiting until after you’ve got a virus to take care of a problem is simply too late – all of your files could be lost forever. It helps to have multiple checks in place on your system, as a single antivirus scanner may not detect the bug. There are simply too many variants of malware to be sure that a single check will uncover all of them. The best line of defense is to have multiple lines of defense. Regularly backing up all your computer data is an easy way to minimize the damage done in case of an attack. The downtime after your files are lost or compromised could be devastating for a business, and having your files backed up is the best way to ensure that they’re still accessible after a malware attack. VirRansom and other data-attacking bugs are the most potentially harmful to a business. The loss of data can be devastating, costly, and potentially business ending. {company} is dedicated to ensuring that businesses remain safe and avoid dangerous bugs. For more information on how to keep your business secure, contact us at {e-mail} or speak to us directly by phone at {phone}.