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4 Ways to Uninstall Programs from Your Windows PC

August 18, 2021/

Chances are, if you have had a Windows PC, you have noticed that Microsoft loves to pre-load them with software you will never touch. This bloatware takes up unnecessary space and is a general annoyance to look at! Today, we will go over three in-house methods and one 3rd-party software…

Microsoft is Closing the Curtains on Windows 10

June 25, 2021/

Despite Microsoft’s claims that Windows 10 would be the “last version of Windows”, Microsoft has officially announced that it will be retiring Windows 10 October 14, 2025. From then on out, Windows 10, Home and Pro versions, will no longer receive new updates or security fixes. That being said, it…

How to Check Windows 10 for Updates

June 20, 2021/

Windows 10 has become quite an impressive operating system of the years. This continued improvement has benefited all users across the board, but it important to perform maintenance on the system. By checking your system for updates regularly, you can ensure that all your peripherals and programs continue to operate…

Password Managers and How They Can Help You!

June 5, 2021/

If you are like most computer users, you have a small armada of passwords for the plethora of accounts you have. With that many accounts and passwords surely, things will be forgotten and lost. Then you must go through the hassle of continually resetting the password every time this occurs!…

Microsoft 365 (Formerly Office 365) : Which Version is Best For Me?

June 4, 2021/

Picking the best version of Office for your business can be overwhelming. Microsoft 365 (formerly known as Office 365) and Office 2019 offer pros and cons that can difficult to see when browsing on Microsoft’s website. The plans offered by Microsoft 365 can also be overwhelming to look at if…

May 27, 2021/

Have you ever wanted a little more background information on an image you’ve seen online? Have you ever found an image and wished you could find others similar to it? Well, Google Images has a feature that allows just that, and it does its job quite well! Their engine allows…

May 24, 2021/

Thunderbolt ports are commonplace on many laptops today. They allow for high-speed connections for data transfer, video display, charging phones, and even the computer itself. However, as useful as Thunderbolt ports are, they also leave one’s computer vulnerable to hackers. Theft and laptops go hand in hand. They are expensive,…

April 29, 2021/

When it comes to saving money, it is vital that you have an overview of all your company’s expenses. While this may seem obvious to some, there are many who believe they already have a good idea of their company’s expenses. We cannot stress enough, no matter how much of…

July 15, 2020/

Earlier this week, a massive Twitter hack occurred, involving famous individuals and high-profile politicians. These hacked accounts asked for bitcoins and offered to “double the amount” to “give back to the community.” Twitter, while conducting its investigation, has commented on the situation, stating that the hackers had specifically targeted employees…

June 24, 2020/

“Mass Logger,” a new keylogger on the market, has the potential to become extremely dangerous for businesses and individuals. Keyloggers are a type of malware, usually found within phishing campaigns, that store all information you type into your computer. These malicious programs can lead to many of your passwords becoming…