Information Technology News & Information

Our National Cyber Security is at Risk but You Can Help

As the demand for experienced cyber security workers increases, our national security decreases. Some analysts believe that by as early as next year there could be a global shortage of cybersecurity professionals. With cyber-attacks becoming an increasing threat, enlisting and training a new generation of well-versed cyber security experts, as well as training current workers in the field, will aid in not only restoring the confidence of those who use the internet, but those who are just starting to experience the world wide web. Rebuilding our defenses online is the first step to a stronger, more confident nation. Some of you may be wondering what you can do to help, and the answer is simple! The National Cyber Security Alliance and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security both urge parents, teachers, and employers to motivate potential talent to pursue a career in cyber security. A cyber security professional needs an understanding that goes deeper than just math and technology. They need to be curious, passionate about learning, have a strong ethic and moral compass and be aware of the risks that come with the job. While all these ideas play an important role, at the end of the day, a profession in cyber security means having a passion in keeping our online world more secure and safer for all. To those who are worried about a boring job, fret not, for you will be at the front lines. While cyber security experts are behind the scenes, the roles they play impact our digital lives in big ways. Cyber security experts tackle catastrophic issues before they can detonate, causing massive issues for the internet. This profession is dedicated to protecting those online, keeping them more secure and safer from any threats they may face. A profession in cyber security builds important team-based skills and provides an environment for one to continue to learn and improve in skill. If you believe your student or child to be interesting in cyber security, there are steps you can take to aid them! You could volunteer at school or set up community workshops that help to teach children and adults about online safety and a career in cyber security. Try exposing students or your children to the opportunities in the field of cyber security by hosting an open house at your company to talk about what your cyber security department does. Inspire children to learn about cyber security by mentoring a team in a cyber challenge or hosting events and after school programs. Work with schools or community organizations to create an internship program for hands-on learning. For parents, become knowledgeable about the educational steps to a career in cyber security and about organizations that host events for cyber security. For those in college searching for a job in cyber security, get credentials. Four out of five cyber security jobs require a college degree. Do volunteer work and internships so that you can become more experienced in the field itself. Offer help to you IT professors at college or employer to gain more experience. Read about the latest advancements and breaches regarding cyber security. Pay attention to how these breaches occur and how they were fixed. If you are interested but not sure if cyber security is right for you, take a look at the National Initiative for Cyber security Careers and Studies (NICCS). NICCS has career resources for learning more about jobs in the field, as well as guides for learning about how to join a cyber security team! At Hammett Technologies we put your online security as a top priority. We treat your network as our own, with regular maintenance and updates to keep your company’s data secure. Be with a team you can trust, become a Hammett Technologies Partner today! Still curious as to what we can do to help your company grow? Click here to find out more!