Information Technology News & Information

AI is Becoming Cyber Security’s Best Defensive Player

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a cybersecurity team’s best defense against hackers, reports suggest. Moreover, as we continue to progress with technology, the dependency on AI to help protect our personal and business technology is increasing. More and more businesses and cybersecurity companies are turning to artificial intelligence as a means of bolstering their defenses against cyber-attacks, and with ever-increasing positive results. According to Capgemini’s article, Reinventing Cybersecurity with Artificial Intelligence, artificial intelligence is becoming a necessary factor in a business cybersecurity defense. As much as 66% of cybersecurity firms believe that they would be unable to detect cyber-attacks without the assistance of their AI. As much as 75% of cybersecurity firms are beginning to test artificial intelligence. 60% believe that artificial intelligence has dramatically improved the accuracy and efficiency of cybersecurity technicians and analysists. With over half of all cybersecurity firms and businesses opting for AI for their cyber defense, artificial intelligence is not only becoming more sought after but also more dependable. With the globe becoming more dependent on technology each day, it should be no surprise that criminals would turn to technology as a means of exploiting and stealing from others. To protect your data, money, and sensitive information from criminals, ensure that your cybersecurity partner is using only the most advanced and up-to-date standards and practices. Hammett Technologies is well-versed in cybersecurity and can guarantee your information’s safety from hackers and criminals.

Information Technology News & Information Tech Tips

Home Automation and Everything You’ll Need

So, you have finally decided that the days of turning on your appliances yourself are ancestral! “I am no longer a caveman!”, you say to yourself as you yell at your Alexa to play that one song you haven’t been able to get out of your head all day. However, what you may not know is that those who have “home automation” have taken numerous hours planning, configuring, and testing to have everything work correctly and reliably. Home automation is the future, but if you want to take part, you must have a carefully laid out plan, as well as the tools and knowledge to do so correctly. What makes having a “smart home” so wonderful is that at any given point you can decide to add or remove smart devices at your leisure! The possibilities are only limited to how far we have come technologically speaking! Many of the devices you find in a home today are made with the idea of setting up a “smart home”. Regardless if you have an iPhone and Android device, you can take part in having a “smart home”.  Even Amazon has their device, Alexa, that has been designed to be used with home automation. However, these devices are not plug and play. Time must be set aside in order to properly prepare your home. If you are still reading, it probably means you are interested in learning about what you will need in order to take your lame home to “Smart Home”! Well, I have good news and some bad news. The good news is that today you will learn exactly what you need in order to do so; the bad is that it doesn’t come cheap (if you want it done correctly). The following is what you’ll need: A Plan: First come up with a plan. What do you want to be automated? Do you want all the light in your home automated or just the ones in the living room? Do you want parts of your home left out, such as the garage, but have the rest automated? Figure out what you want to be automated and where before purchasing anything! Chose a Controller / Hub: Decide what you are going to use to control all your smart devices! You have many choices so make sure you pick one you are most comfortable with. Do you enjoy Amazon? Perhaps Alexa is the choice for you. Do you favor Google? Google assistant is a great way to have your Android Device as a controller! Maybe you fancy iPhone; Apple is another great way to use your phone with your “smart home”. Perhaps you want to use a different brand not associated with a major corporation; then you should look at Wink! Are you loyal to Samsung? Well, have I got news for you! Even Samsung has its smart hub controller for you to utilize: SmartThings. Make sure you take your time when decided on which controller you want to use! After all, this is how you will interact with your “smart home” once it is set up; make sure it is the product you are most comfortable with! Wifi-Network: You don’t need the $500 router that has 17 antennas and allows for the NASA quality download and upload speeds, but you will need quality! With quality comes a stronger, more stable connection with a wider range. Consider investing in a nice router from Asus or TPlink! We guarantee you will have a better experience if you do! Schedule: As we said earlier, setting up “smart home” takes numerous hours of planning, configuring, and testing to have everything work correctly and reliably. There is no easy road when it comes to home automation. If you want it done correctly, set aside time so that you can ensure it works! If you don’t have time, consider higher someone who can do it for you! I hear Hammett Technologies is good at setting up smart devices and networks! What You Can Do with a Smart Home Now that we have all a plan set in place, have decided which controller we want to use, have purchased a reliable router for our network, and have time on our hands, we can begin to play around with smart devices! There are countless devices out there today that can be used with a smart home. Everything from lights to those cute robot vacuum cleaners, just about anything can be set up for use in a “smart home.” Below are some of the possibilities, and this is just scratching the surface! Possibly the most popular smart device to buy is the lights! Philips Hue lights are a great example of this, although there are cheaper options out there that do the same thing. Hue bulbs allow the user to set timers for when they come on and even have RGB capabilities; perfect for those “set the mood” moments. Next, we have the thermostats! These are great for those who are often away from home for long hours and wish to keep the gas & electric bill low! You can have the thermostat lower the temperature while you are away and raise it while you are on your way home! This way, during those cold winter nights, you can come home to a warm house, without having to keep it warm all day! Or perhaps you are cold in bed and don’t want to get up! You can raise the temperature right from your bed and eliminate that chill in the house from under the covers! Last but not least are Smart Locks! Do you worry about packages getting stolen? Do you want to see what happens to your home while you are away? Get a Smart Lock! You can feel confident with one of these installed on your door. Many come with cameras nowadays and allow you to create virtual keys for family and friends! No more trying to find your keys in the dark, hold your

Information Technology News & Information

Microsoft Teams and the Progress It Can Bring to Your Company

Microsoft Teams, a platform by which you can propel your company into the 21st century. Microsoft Teams is a platform consisting of channels that your team can use to work together on projects, hold meetings, and or just chat with one another. Teams can also be used to help organize your company, through its countless features such as the ability to create folders, and its utilization of other Office 365 applications. To learn more, we recommend clicking here to learn everything Microsoft Teams has to offer! It includes a free sign up, goes over the basics, and has a neat video!

Information Technology News & Information Services Tech Tips

It’s Time to Upgrade Your Cybersecurity Defense

As businesses become more and more connected to the internet, the threat of a data breach only increases. A study conducting by the University of Maryland in 2017 discovered that, on average, computers with internet access are attacked every 39 seconds. While this figure may be worrisome, this should come as no surprise to most. As technology continues to progress, becoming more and more a part of not only businesses but individual’s lives as well, criminals will try harder and faster to obtain access to confidential information. These attacks are not cheap either. A study conducted by IBM found that on average, a cyberattack can cost $3.86 million. This number does not just reflect the damage the breach cost, but it also factors in loss of business, time spent on recovering, and damage to reputation. Taking steps to prevent an attack from happening is imperative. One must have the proper equipment and policies set in place in order to counter cyberattacks. However, attackers are becoming smarter, more resourceful, faster, more aggressive. Many of them are also playing the long game as well. Lying dormant in a companies, or individual’s computers or server, waiting for the perfect moment to attack. While cyber security specialists are doing there best to stay 1-step ahead of criminals, there is only so much that can be done. Therefore, instead of playing a game of cat and mouse with attackers, cyber security specialists should be turning their attention towards using machine learning and AI to aid them in this constantly evolving battle. Why Machine Learning and AI Should Be Recruited Cybersecurity usually relies on methods of created static rules and policies that act as barriers to attackers. These barriers, regardless of how strongly built, are susceptible to cracks and leaks, allowing for unwanted guests to enter. This creates a constant game of catch up, rather than enforcing constant protection. This is especially true since cyber criminals are constantly evolving their viruses, making them stronger and harder to detect. If rules are not kept up to date, and scheduled maintenance is not regularly done, disaster can strike at any moment. Machine learning and AI can help level the playing field. Even though cyber security specialists will remain as the last line of defense against attacks, AI and machine learning can be used as the first line of defense. AI and machine learning are constantly updating and learning, feeding off information from databases about cybersecurity and networking, as well as information from its experiences while deployed. AI and machine learning add automation to your cybersecurity team, aiding them in evolving and keeping your data safe from criminals. Hammett Technologies is specialized in cybersecurity, using only the latest cybersecurity software and hardware to keep your data safe. When you partner with Hammett Technologies, you hire a partner who learns your employees, your business, and your process.

Information Technology News & Information

How to Safeguard Your Company Against Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware is one of the most dangerous computer viruses in the computer world today. It would not be surprising if many of you, regardless of your background knowledge of computers, have heard of ransomware to some extent. Perhaps it has been through the numerous cities that have been hit, or maybe it was because of the few schools that have begun to be targeted by this disastrous virus. With ransomware on the rise, more and more businesses are being targeted. In order to keep your business’s sensitive information safe, taking preventative measures immediately is the best course of action to ensure your computer systems are not held for ransom. Setting up your Defenses Running Backups One of the most important steps, one often disregarded by many businesses, is ensuring that all computer systems are backed up daily. In the event that your network becomes infected with ransomware, having backups of critical information systems and configurations can save millions of dollars in lost revenue. Educate and Reinforce Basic Cybersecurity Awareness Ransomware needs a human element in order to infect a computer system or network. Therefore, proper and regular training of staff on how to spot phishing emails and suspicious files is essential to a business’s overall cybersecurity. Ensure that staff understands “think before click” and the dangers of downloading attachments from unknown senders. Make sure staff are browsing safely as well and know how to spot fake websites. Fake websites can look strikingly similar to the real ones but often have variations in their URL, which give away their true identities. Make sure employees are suspicious of anyone on the phone or email asking for sensitive information. Always ensure you are communicating with a trusted individual before divulging sensitive information. Have a Plan in Place in the Event of an Attack Make sure a clear plan is established in the event an attack does occur. Ensure response plans outline how to request outside assistance from cyber first responders (state agencies, CISA, and MS-ISAC). Update and Patch Systems Regularly updating and patching computer systems not only keeps the systems running smoothly, but it also protects against viruses such as ransomware. Additional Resources Once all the above is completed, consider reviewing the following articles: MS-ISAC Security Primer – Ransomware CISA Tip Sheet on Ransomware NGA Disruption Response Planning Memo NASCIO Cyber Disruption Planning Guide Each article outlines further steps you can take to protect yourself from ransomware. A Trusted Defense If any of the above worries you, consider calling Hammett Technologies. We are a trusted IT company and are well versed in the dangers of all computer viruses, not just ransomware. We use only the latest technology to ensure your business’s safety, regularly backup all your systems, and train your staff on safety procedures when handling information online. When you partner with Hammett Technologies you do not become just a partner, you become a priority. If you want more information as to what we can do to assist your company, click here!

Information Technology News & Information

Why You Should Care About HIPAA Compliance

If you are in the health care business, chances are you have heard the phrase “HIPAA Compliance” before. However, what you may not know is how truly important HIPAA Compliance is for your business, or even what HIPAA Compliance is. No need to worry; Hammett Technologies is here to help! What is HIPAA Compliance HIPAA or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was is a set of rules and restrictions established to outline the lawful use and disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI). *a more complex outline of HIPAA can be found here: Why Being HIPAA Compliant Is Important If you are in the healthcare business, there are numerous reason you should be HIPAA Compliant. From lawsuits to fines from the government, HIPAA Compliance is to be taken seriously and followed completely. Some of the most important reason to be HIPAA Complaint are: Fines Fines for not meetings HIPAA Compliance have increased substantially. These caps on these fines have increased from $25,000 per year to $1,500,000 per year. Furthermore, if you ignore HIPAA Compliance and encounter a breach or receive a complaint, your business can be investigated for breaches, compliance failures, and other issues which can lead to further fines. Other Organizations Other organizations that work with you are most likely HIPAA Compliant themselves, especially if they are a larger corporation. Each Business Associate or Covered Entity your healthcare business works with must following HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules. This, in turn, means that if your business if not HIPAA Compliant you will lose their assistance, as well as, lose business in general. Blacklisted If a breach does occur, and the breach results in more than 500 individual’s Protected Health Information being affected, your business is required by law to report it to the Health & Human Services Department, as well as, the public and media. Other companies will not hold back comparing their HIPAA Compliant organization to yours, stealing both business in the present and future. If you are fearful that you do not meet all the HIPAA guidelines and regulations or are having trouble understanding HIPAA Compliance and how to become compliant, call Hammett Technologies! We have a devoted, professional IT team that can help you meet all HIPAA requirements stress free! HIPAA Compliance is essential for any business that handles Protect Health Information. Hammett Technologies will ensure that your business meets every requirement.

Information Technology News & Information Tech Tips

Upgrading From Windows 7 to Windows 10

Microsoft is pulling the plug on its widely loved operating system (OS), Windows 7, in January 2020. Therefore, it is important that you know how to upgrade to their latest OS, Windows 10. Why should you upgrade? Well, when Windows 7 gets discontinued, Microsoft will no longer offer support or update the OS, leaving you vulnerable to exploits and other security risks.  Those of you that are worried that Windows 10 will have a steep learning curve, fret not! Windows 10 is very similar to its older brother Windows 7. I have to admit, there are a few differences between the two, such as Windows 10’s revamped settings panel, and the new start menu. However, if you are worried that Windows 7 and Windows 10 would be polar opposites like Windows 7 and Windows 8, rest easy, nothing could ever be that bad again. This guide aims to ease you through upgrading your OS. Once you finish with these steps, you’ll be well on your way to Windows 10! Check List Minimum Requirements for Windows 10 If you are worried you may be on this list, think about the following question. Did you purchase your computer after 2014? If you answered yes to this question, chances are your machine is more than capable of running Windows 10. For those of you running older machines, consider purchasing a new computer. Many of them come preloaded with Windows 10, and besides the upgraded OS, you will also be greeted with high speeds, better resolution, and overall better user experience. Processor 1GHz or Faster CPU or System on a Chip (SoC) RAM 1GB for 32-bit or 2GB for 64-bit Hard Drive Space Existing installations: 16GB for 32-bit or 20GB for 64-bit. Clean installation or new PC: 32GB or larger Graphics DirectX9 or later with WDDM 1.0 driver Display Resolution 800 x 600 Network Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection Before upgrading it is also important that you have the latest version of Windows 7 installed on your machine as well. Be sure to check for updates on your machine and to download the “Windows 7 Service Pack 1” if you do not have that already installed on your machine. Also, and it pains me to say this to you if you have waited this long to upgrade to Windows 10, it is no longer free. However, online retailer Newegg will make the upgrade expense less painful for you by offering both the Home edition and Pro edition of Windows 10 at a discounted price! The cost of a new Windows 10 license goes for $109.99 (Home) and $149.99 (Pro) on Newegg. Furthermore, make sure you have an up-to-date backup or system image of your computer before upgrading. Microsoft has certainly improved in its upgrade process, but it is better to be safe than sorry. Follow this guide on Bleeping Computer to learn how to create a backup of your Windows 7 computer! One last thing, I promise. Before you start, it is recommended that any anti-virus software you have installed be removed as this can sometimes cause interference with this upgrade. Make sure that all peripherals are also unplugged from the computer while it is updating, as these too can sometimes cause errors. Upgrading Download and Install the Media Creation Tool Make sure you have your Windows 10 license activation code ready Double-click on the MediaCreationTool.exe to begin the Windows 10 upgrade setup Accept the licensing agreement Select “Upgrade this PC now” option and the necessary files will begin downloading to begin the upgrade. Once finished, click Next Enter your valid Windows 10 product key (Home or Pro) Select Next Accept the licensing agreement Select “Keep personal files and apps” option Select Install Are you wondering what Hammett Technologies can do to continue to help your company grow? Our team of trained professionals works diligently to ensure that your network continues to run smoothly and securely! Click here to learn more about what we do!

Information Technology News & Information Tech Tips

Creating a Strong, Secure Password

If you are like many users, you visit many different sites and have a plethora of passwords between those sites. The idea of creating a strong password consisting of letters, numbers, special characters, symbols, etc., can be quite daunting. Not to mention it is recommended that you have a different password for each site your register an account on. With all of this considered, it is no wonder many become overwhelmed when trying to think of a secure password. I mean, who can remember “J%^dh@udS!@#$”? Because of this, you may have fallen victim to using the same password for most, if not all, of the websites you hold an account on. This is not only a safety hazard, it also spells disasters if one of these websites gets compromised. Or perhaps you use numerous passwords, but they consist of simple words and numbers that relate to your life. These kinds of passwords are easier to guess than you can imagine. Maybe you do have long, complicated passwords, but in an attempt to remember them you have written them down and placed them next to your computers. This is dangerous as well, especially if other use your computer as well! However, with this guide, we hope to guide you down the right path to making safe, secure, and easy to remember passwords! First, to understand what a strong password is, we must understand what makes a password strong. The key features of a strong password are its length, a variety of letters (using both upper and lower case), symbols, and numbers. Make sure you leave all personal information out of your password. However, what is the use of a complicated strong password, if you cannot remember it? Not to worry, we will arm you with advanced password creating techniques that will not only keep your online identity secure! Your first strategy in creating a strong password is to make it easy to remember but hard to guess. Avoid the pitfalls of making your password “password”.  This password is laughably weak. A password this simple is easily guessed by both humans and machines and will leave your online identity in shambles. Some of you may be asking, “Who on Earth is using “password” as a password?”. Well you would be surprised to know that it is one of the most commonly used passwords to date. There are also the passwords that use a persons last name and birth date. These kinds of passwords are also easy to crack by those who are close to you. I know your neighbor Bill seems like a nice guy, but maybe he’s too nice. However, perhaps you have been trying to make a strong password and have created “P0W3Rful”. First you must be aware of the length. Length of this password is far to short and the substitutions you have made are easily guessed by both human and machine as well. Now that we are aware of the numerous pitfalls, we can begin to discuss how to create a strong password! Here are a few examples of good passwords: G00D_2H4v3_$$: You could use this one for a bank account (Good to have money). 4sh00Ping_0NAMZ: This could be used for your Amazon account (4 shopping on amazon). Having now thought of a password that is perfect in length and randomness, you have begun your march down the correct path to internet safety.  However, you are not safe yet. You must remember to not reuse the password, write them down anywhere, or share them. After spending all that time thinking of a good password, last thing you want is for someone to crack it by seeing it written down next to your computer. Or if you are to get hacked, at least you can rest easy knowing your other accounts are still locked away because you used a different password for each site! The last rule is extremely important but can also be given some slack. If you are to share your password, make sure that you only do so with someone you trust 100%. If you have even a shred of doubt that they do not take internet security as seriously as you, do not share your password with them.  Another option for those who have too many accounts, or are too nervous to create their own passwords, is to use a password manager! Password managers like LastPass can generate completely random passwords up too 100 characters in length. All you must do is think of a super secure master password and you are ready to go! Now that you have been armed with the tools to create smarter, safer passwords, go forth and secure your defenses! If you have any questions about cyber security or want a partner that will take your businesses cyber security seriously, consider Hammett Technologies! At Hammett Technologies we put your online security as a top priority. Be with a team you can trust, become a Hammett Technologies Partner today!    

Information Technology News & Information

Our National Cyber Security is at Risk but You Can Help

As the demand for experienced cyber security workers increases, our national security decreases. Some analysts believe that by as early as next year there could be a global shortage of cybersecurity professionals. With cyber-attacks becoming an increasing threat, enlisting and training a new generation of well-versed cyber security experts, as well as training current workers in the field, will aid in not only restoring the confidence of those who use the internet, but those who are just starting to experience the world wide web. Rebuilding our defenses online is the first step to a stronger, more confident nation. Some of you may be wondering what you can do to help, and the answer is simple! The National Cyber Security Alliance and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security both urge parents, teachers, and employers to motivate potential talent to pursue a career in cyber security. A cyber security professional needs an understanding that goes deeper than just math and technology. They need to be curious, passionate about learning, have a strong ethic and moral compass and be aware of the risks that come with the job. While all these ideas play an important role, at the end of the day, a profession in cyber security means having a passion in keeping our online world more secure and safer for all. To those who are worried about a boring job, fret not, for you will be at the front lines. While cyber security experts are behind the scenes, the roles they play impact our digital lives in big ways. Cyber security experts tackle catastrophic issues before they can detonate, causing massive issues for the internet. This profession is dedicated to protecting those online, keeping them more secure and safer from any threats they may face. A profession in cyber security builds important team-based skills and provides an environment for one to continue to learn and improve in skill. If you believe your student or child to be interesting in cyber security, there are steps you can take to aid them! You could volunteer at school or set up community workshops that help to teach children and adults about online safety and a career in cyber security. Try exposing students or your children to the opportunities in the field of cyber security by hosting an open house at your company to talk about what your cyber security department does. Inspire children to learn about cyber security by mentoring a team in a cyber challenge or hosting events and after school programs. Work with schools or community organizations to create an internship program for hands-on learning. For parents, become knowledgeable about the educational steps to a career in cyber security and about organizations that host events for cyber security. For those in college searching for a job in cyber security, get credentials. Four out of five cyber security jobs require a college degree. Do volunteer work and internships so that you can become more experienced in the field itself. Offer help to you IT professors at college or employer to gain more experience. Read about the latest advancements and breaches regarding cyber security. Pay attention to how these breaches occur and how they were fixed. If you are interested but not sure if cyber security is right for you, take a look at the National Initiative for Cyber security Careers and Studies (NICCS). NICCS has career resources for learning more about jobs in the field, as well as guides for learning about how to join a cyber security team! At Hammett Technologies we put your online security as a top priority. We treat your network as our own, with regular maintenance and updates to keep your company’s data secure. Be with a team you can trust, become a Hammett Technologies Partner today! Still curious as to what we can do to help your company grow? Click here to find out more!

Information Technology News & Information

Microsoft is Closing the Curtains on Windows 10

Despite Microsoft’s claims that Windows 10 would be the “last version of Windows”, Microsoft has officially announced that it will be retiring Windows 10 October 14, 2025. From then on out, Windows 10, Home and Pro versions, will no longer receive new updates or security fixes. That being said, it may be possible the Microsoft allows businesses to pay for extended support for Windows 10. When Windows 7 Microsoft offered businesses extended support for Professional and Enterprise. With Windows 10’s retirement only 4 years away, Microsoft has begun teasing their newest version of their operating system (OS). While the rumor circulating is that this could be Windows 11, Microsoft has yet to officially announce a name for the new operating system. However, that is subject to change as early as next week, June 24th, where Microsoft is set to showcase their new OS, revealing “the next generation of Windows.” We will keep you updates as this story progresses. Update: 6/25/21 Well, its official. Microsoft has officially announced Windows 11; a free updated to all licensed users of Windows 10. Therefore, if you have not yet upgraded to Windows 10, now may be the time to jump ship. The good news is that there is still a free way to upgrade to Windows 10, if you have not yet left Windows 7 or Windows 8. While I recommend watching the official announcement video, allow me to give you a brief overview of all the changes that Microsoft is bring with the latest version of Windows. For starters, the Start Menu and Taskbar have undergone visual and performance changes. Live tiles are being replaced with Widgets, which now have there own predefined space on your computer.   Along with this, Microsoft has also focused on performances increases, allowing for Windows to respond quicker to user input. This is just a portion of what Windows 11 will offer. For the full breakdown, click here to watch the Windows 11 team breakdown all the new features of their new operating system.